Women who are seeking a women’s addiction treatment near Concord, New Hampshire may have unique needs and challenges. However, one thing that remains true for each person is that they’re ready to start life anew, without addiction and mental health conditions. More often than not, women are seeking treatment that will meet their individual needs. In many cases, this means that they’re looking for treatment that women have designed for other women. That type of treatment is exactly what we offer at Crossroads Maine. To learn more about our addiction treatment programs, contact our women’s treatment center today at 877.978.1667.

The Need For a Women’s Treatment Center Near Concord, New Hampshire

happy woman smiling after finding womens addiction treatment near concord new hampshireMen and women have different needs when they’re entering an addiction treatment program. As such, at our women’s only treatment center near Concord, New Hampshire, we offer evidence-based relational models that provide trauma-informed addiction treatment programs. Our inpatient treatment programs remove outside distractions and provide a safe and structured environment to provide an enduring foundation for recovery. Our treatment center includes a range of services, activities, and therapies to meet the needs of the women who enter our treatment program. These programs support each woman and give them the tools they need to move forward in their recovery.

Our residential treatment programs offer a staff full of expert-level clinicians who can guide each woman through the stage of recovery, in addition to a range of on-site treatment programs, including:

These treatment programs give our ladies the tools and skills that they need to overcome their addiction.

Furthermore, we know that addiction can affect women from all walks of life. As such, we also recognize that a reason many women do not seek treatment is the fact that they don’t want to be away from their children. For some women, there is no childcare available, so they can’t leave home for days on end to get the treatment they need.

Our rehab program for women with children is the answer to this problem. This program is open to women who are pregnant or who have children under the age of five. It is also available to women who are working on reunifying their families. This program offers residential treatment and childcare, as the mother attends parenting classes, counseling, and support group meetings.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at a Women’s Treatment Center Near Concord, New Hampshire

Another thing to look for in a women’s treatment center near Concord, New Hampshire is simultaneous mental health and addiction treatment, otherwise known as dual diagnosis treatment. Often, mental health conditions influence addiction. In some cases, addiction begins because women are trying to self-medicate mental health symptoms. In others, addiction kickstarts a mental health condition. In both situations, dual diagnosis treatment is vital for long term recovery. Without dual diagnosis treatment, an untreated mental health condition can lead to relapsing back into substance abuse. Conversely, if you only get treatment for your mental health treatment, you can cause yourself to struggle with more mental health symptoms or cause another condition to occur.

Get Treatment at Crossroads Maine

At Crossroads Maine, we’re proud to provide women’s addiction treatment near Concord, New Hampshire. Our addiction treatment program can give you the tools you need to put substance abuse in the past. Our treatment programs include:

  • Alcohol addiction treatment
  • Heroin addiction treatment
  • Opioid addiction treatment
  • Marijuana addiction treatment
  • Cocaine addiction treatment

Aren’t you ready to put your substance abuse and mental health conditions behind you? Our experts are ready to help. Contact Crossroads Maine today at 877.978.1667 today to take a tour of our treatment center or to enroll in treatment.