Bipolar Disorder Treatment Program
Unbeknown to many, bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness and if it is not treated properly on time, it might bring great risk to an individual’s overall health.
When bipolar disorder is not well managed, it can interfere with addiction recovery progress. Cycling between mania, depression, and a balance of the two can make it more difficult to stay focused on healthier routines and relapse prevention efforts. Clients can support a more effective recovery through addiction and bipolar disorder treatment program at Crossroads in Portland, Maine. Treating both conditions together as part of a co-occurring disorders program can allow clients to better understand the impact of one upon the other and create a recovery plan that better fits their needs for lasting recovery.
Mental health plays an important role in overall health. When an individual is experiencing the mania phase of bipolar disorder – extreme happiness, excitement, and energy – they may be more willing to experiment with drugs or alcohol and make riskier decisions. On the other hand, during the depression phase, they may turn to substance use as a way of trying to feel better or forget about their problems. In both cases, substance use can be dangerous and increase the risk of addiction. In addition, drugs and alcohol can actually exacerbate the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Engaging in a comprehensive bipolar disorder treatment program at Crossroads can help clients to regain control of their lives, manage their mental health, embark on lasting recovery, and remember who they wanted to be. There is life beyond addiction and bipolar disorder.
Understanding Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is characterized by a particular person’s quick mood shifts and changing activity levels rapidly. It is a manic depressive illness that spans different intensities but it renders a person to have energized manic episodes or low depressive ones. Usually, either of the two levels can blow up and sometimes switch from one to another in a short amount of time. This can be physically and mentally taxing to someone who has it.
Signs and Symptoms
It is not easy to diagnose bipolar disorder because the quick mood swings and episodes can be mistaken for different or normal behavior. In addition to this, bipolar disorder is also typically associated with other mental health problems such as addiction, making it difficult to successfully recognize.
To aid you, look for these signs and symptoms before seeking a professional addiction and bipolar disorder treatment program:
Manic episodes
- Sudden rush of activity
- Talking at a faster pace than usual
- Extreme enthusiasm
- Agitation and irritability
- Feeling of elation and adrenaline
- Making impulsive decisions
- Loss of appetite and the need to sleep
Depressive episodes
- Severely low energy levels
- Feelings of despair
- Thoughts about suicide and death
- Self-harm
- Cognitive problems
- Sleeping too much or not at all
Relation of Bipolar Disorder and Substance Addiction
There is a staggering rate of people with bipolar disorder that depend on substance abuse to ease the pain of the episodes they are going through. The chemicals on drugs or alcohol can stabilize the brain processes of someone with bipolar disorder, causing temporary calmness from the attacks. Nevertheless, it can only make matters worse as substance abuse only shells the episodes and does not treat them. At the end, when the cycle continues, the person will face both addiction and bipolar disorder.
Treating Substance Use and Bipolar Disorders at Crossroads
Crossroads understands that treating addiction and bipolar disorder can be a delicate process. Each client undergoes a thorough evaluation before a treatment plan is developed. This ensures that the plan best fits their needs. Any mental health issues are identified as well as challenges with addiction and other struggles. There are residential treatment programs available for women, including pregnant and new mothers, and outpatient treatment available for both women and men. Treatment programs are gender-responsive to better align with the challenges each group faces when dealing with addiction and recovery.Â
Addiction and bipolar disorder treatment programs at Crossroads encompass a variety of different therapies and methodologies. Individual and group therapy and counseling allow clients to explore issues related to mental health and substance use that affect their recovery. Working through these topics in a safe, trusting environment helps clients to develop healthy coping strategies and routines that will benefit long-term recovery efforts. Individual bipolar disorder therapy in Portland, Maine can address some of the unique challenges and empower clients to better manage their symptoms.
Holistic therapies and recreational activities are also incorporated into treatment for a more well-rounded and comprehensive approach to healing. Yoga, meditation, equine therapy, exercise, and acupuncture are just a few of the techniques used. These strategies can help clients to expend excess energy, boost mood, manage stress, calm their mind, and focus on relapse prevention efforts. They learn which approaches work best for their situation and interests. Some people respond better than others to different techniques, so it is helpful to keep an open mind and explore different options.
Dual diagnosis treatment is beneficial for treating addiction and bipolar disorder because it addresses both conditions simultaneously. Only focusing on one and not the other can increase the risk of relapse because there are still underlying issues that have not been treated. By developing an in-depth understanding of how mental health and addiction affect one another, clients can more effectively manage both and begin the journey to long-term recovery.
As an addiction and bipolar disorder treatment center, Crossroads’ clinical staff is highly trained and knowledgeable in treating co-occurring disorders and supporting clients in enhancing their overall health and well-being as they overcome these challenges. Clients engage in a customized treatment program that fits their individual needs and empowers them to maximize their success in recovery.
You do not have to let addiction and bipolar disorder control your life. Break free and remember who you wanted to be through comprehensive treatment at Crossroads.
Call 877.978.1667 if you or a loved one have lost control from addiction or bipolar disorder.