According to the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, alcohol-related productivity loss to employers costs $134 billion annually. However, an article on the Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems website reports that those employers who invest in screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems can receive a return on investment of at least 215%.
A 2006 study found that almost 80% of adult Internet users logged on to find information about major health topics. Eight percent searched for information about problems with alcohol or drugs. Those employers who encourage employees to use effective online screening tools can achieve reductions in their healthcare expenses and a boost in workplace productivity.
The key is to find a screening tool that is reliable, ensures users’ privacy and includes links to local resources. Employers can use these screening tools to help give information and referrals to at-risk employees that need it.
These screening tools are easy to use and incur minimal, if any, expense. A website like even offers organizations free promotional materials to share with employees, as well as the ability to integrate their screening options onto an organization’s website. Not only do employees get the information and referrals they need, they also have a sense of privacy in getting the information.
Following are some websites with online screening tools for alcohol, drugs and mental health:
- AlcoholScreening.Org
- DrugScreening.Org
- DrinkersCheckUp.Com
- MentalHealthScreening.Org
- DepressionScreening.Org
- MilitaryMentalHealth.Org
Read More: “Online Screening Tools Protect Employee Privacy, Help Resolve Problems”
Technorati Tags: alcohol, online screening, employers, productivity