If you are a fan of Maine’s own Stephen King or Bob Marley – and who isn’t, really – then you’ll want to attend Crossroads upcoming Masquerade Ball at Dunegrass on October 19th.
Why? Because you can bid on the chance to have Stephen King and Bob Marley record a special voicemail message on your phone!
We also have Maine humorist, Tim Sample, acting as our emcee for the big fundraising event. So you know you’re going to have a good laugh.
And, of course, we have the popular band Wavelength providing the music for us to dance to and enjoy throughout the evening.
Our auction list isn’t long, but the items will be highly coveted:
- An in-person concert from Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary
- A personalized voice mail recording from Comedian Bob Marley
- A personalized voice mail recording from Stephen King
- One week on beautiful Ossipee Lake
- Artwork by Ed King
- Artwork by Mary Barnes
- A mystery basket filled with some awesome items (to be revealed at the event!)
More amazing items may be added before the event, so be sure to check on the event website for updates.
Can’t you just picture yourself relaxing in this beautiful house on Ossipee Lake next June?
Some people have asked us if a costume is required to attend the Masquerade Ball. Rest assured, it is not! Simply come as you want to be remembered. However there will be a $500 prize for the best costume as a little incentive. If you are looking for some inspiration, follow our Masquerade Ball board on Pinterest.
For more on the details of the fundraising event and to buy tickets, visit the Crossroads Masquerade Ball event page or call us at 207.773.9931.
Will we see you at the Masquerade Ball?