There are many misconceptions about addiction treatment and what it is and is not. In turn, this can make it more challenging to get individuals the help they need for recovery. They may not be open to treatment because they don’t have a solid understanding of what to look for in a treatment program and how different approaches can help.
The same goes for family and friends. If they believe myths they hear about addiction treatment, it can impact their efforts to get a loved one into rehab. It can also alter their impression about how recovery works and their role in the process.
Here are a few common misconceptions about addiction treatment and what you need to know:
It’s Not a Quick Fix
Addiction does not happen overnight, nor does recovery. It takes time. Individuals recovering from substance use disorders are not going to overcome challenges, change their thought processes, understand how to reduce risk of relapse, and be ready to go in just a few days. Most treatment programs start at 30 to 90 days. Clients may transition from residential treatment to outpatient treatment to aftercare throughout their journey, and this can be a long process. Even after completing a formal treatment program, many individuals continue to attend regular therapy or counseling sessions as well as support groups.
It’s Not a Day at the Spa
When researching different treatment programs, you may read about how massage, acupuncture, or meditation are used, or how facilities are located near the beach or in the mountains. But do not be misled – clients are not off relaxing in a spa-like environment being pampered. Addiction treatment is a very structured process, and clients attend a wide range of sessions and therapies. They follow an established routine for how their time is spent. While they do get some free time, a majority of the day is planned, and recovery is hard work.
It’s Not Only for Those in Active Addiction
Another misconception about addiction treatment is that it is only for those who are struggling with a substance use disorder. In reality, many rehab centers offer programs and support groups for family members and friends as well. They too are impacted by the effects of addiction and have challenges to overcome. Family involvement is also an important part of the recovery process as everyone learns to make changes, improve communication, build healthier relationships, and support relapse prevention.
It’s Not One-Size-Fits-All
Many people think that if you’ve been to one addiction treatment program, you’ve basically been to every program because they’re all the same. However, this is not true. Not two treatment centers are exactly the same, and what they offer, how care is provided, and the approach they take can differ. Many rehabs offer personalized treatment plans that are tailored to the unique needs of each client and focus on how to best support their recovery.
Do your research and look at the techniques each facility uses, what types of programs they offer, if they have wellness services, what the level of family involvement and support is, and how it fits with your needs and goals. Your experience might be very different from one facility to the next.
For instance, Crossroads offers gender-responsive treatment, and many of its programs are geared toward the unique needs of women in recovery. In addition, they have a program specifically for new and expectant mothers, as well as women struggling with addiction and eating disorders.
Overcoming common misconceptions about addiction treatment is a step in the right direction toward supporting more people in getting the help they need for recovery. Ask questions and do research to learn more about parts of addiction and the recovery process that you may not understand. And if you are ready to remember who you wanted to be and engage in a personalized yet comprehensive addiction treatment program, reach out to Crossroads today.