Governor John Baldacci proclaimed May 17 – 23 “Celebrating Women in Recovery Week” at the annual Silver Tea on May 20th. Held at the Blaine House in Augusta, the tea honors courageous women who make a difference in their own lives and recognizes their contributions to others in the journey of addiction.
The Blaine House was packed with women in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction as well as supporters of recovery, treatment and prevention of alcohol and drug addiction. Those in attendance represented more than 400 combined years of addiction recovery. Certainly, testimony that addiction treatment does indeed work!
Included in the audience were staff members and clients from Crossroads for Women’s halfway house. Our own Nikki Oliver, program manager at the halfway house, was recognized for being nominated as a leader for women in recovery. It was a great way for women of all ages and backgrounds to connect. It was also a great way for women new to recovery to see that long-term recovery is possible.