Crossroads offers an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for substance abuse to women and men at its outpatient locations in Scarborough and Kennebunk, Maine.
View all of Crossroads’ current Group Therapy options.
What is IOP? If you’re not sure about what an IOP is or how the Crossroads IOP might be different from other programs, here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that might help you out:
1. What exactly is an IOP? or What does IOP stands for? IOP stands for Intensive Outpatient Program. It’s basically intensive group therapy. Clients attend Crossroads’ IOP 3 hours per day, 3-5 days per week.
2. Why should I go to an IOP? IOP provides the structure many people need in the first stage of recovery from alcohol and/or drug addiction. It may also serve as aftercare treatment for those who are coming out of a residential rehab setting.
3. How long will I attend IOP? It depends on individual need. Clients are assigned to a counselor that will check in with them throughout their time in IOP. Typically, a client will start IOP 5 days per week and then taper down to 3 days per week. Total length of treatment varies, but usually is around 6 – 8 weeks.
4. What topics are covered in IOP? Crossroads focuses on gender-specific topics with an emphasis on addiction education, co-occurring mental health issues, coping skills, relapse prevention and the necessary tools for recovery.
5. What makes Crossroads’ IOP different from others? Crossroads specializes in gender-responsive treatment. Our philosophy is based on the relational concept that women and men develop a sense of self, self-knowledge and self-worth through a strong sense of connection with others. Studies have consistently shown that individuals feel more comfortable opening up in gender-specific groups. In addition, Crossroads offers other treatment options, making it easy for clients to navigate different levels of treatment throughout their recovery.
6. How long does it take to get into IOP, and how do I get in? You can get in almost immediately. We accept new clients into IOP on a rolling basis, so you do not have to wait until a particular session ends. Give us a call, and we will set up an initial intake appointment. We typically get people into the office within 1-2 days of their first call. After this appointment, you can join the group the very next day.
[cta]If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder, there is hope. Contact Crossroads today and start your journey to recovery.[/cta]