On Thursday, January 12th (tomorrow), the Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs will be discussing the elimination of MaineCare coverage for childless, non-disabled adults from the DHHS Supplemental Budget (LD 1746), as proposed by Governor Paul LePage. The work session begins at 10:00am and will be held in room 228 at the Maine State House. [Listen to the audio of the work session]
The complete elimination of MaineCare eligibility to non-disabled, childless adults between the ages of 21 and 64 living under the poverty level would be devastating. 68% of the individuals seeking treatment for substance abuse who have Mainecare are considered non-categorical.
These “non-categoricals” are not all young and healthy, a recent report by Maine Equal Justice Partners tells us. The study found that more than 40% of childless adults covered through MaineCare are older than 45, and many have serious medical conditions.
If this coverage is eliminated, most of the substance abuse programs in Maine will not be able to remain open because clients will have no means to pay for treatment.
Please call, write or e-mail your legislator now and share your concerns about these cuts. Tell them that treatment works and lives are saved when people have a chance to get help. That everyone deserves the chance to find a life in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Just ask the hundreds of clients that have come through the doors of Crossroads.
Contact Your Representatives:
Maine State Senators
Maine House of Representatives
Appropriations Committee
Health and Human Services Committee