pensive man thinking about addiction and physical health

Addiction and Your Physical Health

Addiction and Your Physical Health As addiction progresses, it results in significant changes to your brain chemistry, behavior, mood, and health. Because addiction and your physical health are strongly connected, having a substance abuse disorder can weaken your immune system, increase your risk of contracting viruses like COVID-19, and can cause organ damage. Substance abuse…

aunt helping her nephew cope when a parent is in addiction treatment

Helping Children Cope When a Parent is in Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a disease that affects the entire family, not just the person who is misusing drugs or alcohol. Substance use impacts everyone’s life. An estimated 25% of children affected by addiction in their family are under age 18. Entering addiction treatment with children at home can be a difficult decision, but realize that it…

two sisters enjoying a meal to help cope when a parent is in addiction treatment

Rebuilding Relationships with a Loved One in Recovery

When someone is struggling with active addiction, it can take a toll on relationships with family and friends. Trust is easily broken and can take a long time to rebuild. A person’s actions and behaviors while under the influence can contribute to creating family rifts that are challenging to overcome. But by focusing on substance…