a woman poses with a fork to her mouth as she considers the signs of eating disorders

Signs of Eating Disorders

Around the country, millions of girls and women are battling an eating disorder. It is imperative that you get treatment as soon as possible if you struggle with this condition. The likelihood of a long-term recovery goes up significantly if you detect and address it early. While you may not always recognize the signs of…

a woman crosses her arms as she thinks about eating disorders in women

Eating Disorders in Women

Recently, many celebrities have spoken about the struggles that they’ve had with their body image and eating disorders and eventually attending an eating disorder treatment center. The concern of these celebrities is one that is shared around the country, as eating disorders are severe mental illnesses that commonly affect women and girls. It’s vital to…

a woman and her child walk toward addiction treatment for moms

Addiction Treatment for Moms

The bond between a mother and her child is stronger than diamonds. However, when a mom is caught in the throes of addiction, this condition makes substances an essential part of life. As a result, the mother is blinded to anything else, including her child. If you’re struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, the experts…

a woman puts her head in her hand as she struggles with anxiety and alcohol

The Link Between Anxiety and Alcohol

Nervousness, tension, and panic may follow you around like a shadow when you struggle with an anxiety disorder. You may simply want an escape, and turning to alcohol seemed like the easiest way to do that. While alcohol may stop the panic, restlessness, and fear that send shockwaves through your life momentarily, choosing this method…

a group of women discuss the importance of women's addiction treatment

Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment

When you’re looking for addiction treatment programs, you should consider seeking gender-specific treatment programs. These treatment programs focus on treating men and women separately. Many fundamental cultural and biological differences appear in men and women, particularly in substance use. Women face different issues when it comes to dependence, the substance you use, and how your…