Depending on where you live, addiction treatment centers may be available in abundance. But that doesn’t mean that every program is the same or offers the same care or results. One drug and alcohol treatment center may only provide outpatient care while another may offer a full continuum of services. Before you select a drug rehab center, make sure you have done your research and asked plenty of questions to find the most appropriate treatment program for your needs and goals. Finding the right fit can improve your recovery from drug addiction.
Check for Certifications, Accreditations, and Licenses
One of the first things you should look for in a good drug or alcohol rehab program is whether or not it is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) or the Joint Commission. These are independent organizations that evaluate the safety, quality, value, and results of rehabilitation programs including those for substance use disorders.
Ask about licensure and certification of the staff as well. Do they have specialized or advanced training in the field of addiction or working with individuals in recovery? Does the facility have a multidisciplinary team that treats all aspects of addiction from physical and mental health to social and emotional well-being?
Consider Program Duration and Options
Some rehab programs only last 28 or 30 days, while others adjust the length of stay based on your individual needs and progress. It may be a good option to select a drug rehab center that has a variety of levels of care such as inpatient treatment, outpatient care, and aftercare. That way you can progress through recovery at your own pace and have support along each step of the way. You may also benefit from a women’s recovery program that focuses on the unique needs of females in overcoming addiction rather than treating men and women together.
Ask About Expected Results
Find out what the drug and alcohol rehabilitation center considers a positive outcome or where they expect clients to be at the end of a certain time frame. Be cautious of programs that guarantee a cure or boast a 100% success rate. Recovery from drug addiction is a complex process, and everyone’s experience is slightly different. Ask about evidence-based results and see how their goals align with your own, as well as how they help you to get there or what happens if you don’t.
What Approaches to Treatment Are Used?
The approaches used to treat addiction can also vary from one drug and alcohol treatment center to the next. Is all counseling done one-on-one, or are there group sessions too? Will your family have the opportunity to be involved? Is nutrition education provided? What treatment methodologies do they subscribe to? You want to make sure that you feel comfortable with the care you will be receiving because you want to be as involved and engaged as possible in your recovery. The most appropriate treatment program for someone else may not be the best one for you.
Are There Specialized Programs Available?
If you have co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders or substance use and eating disorders, it is imperative to find a drug and alcohol treatment center that can effectively address both conditions together. A good drug or alcohol rehab program takes into consideration the whole person and all of your areas need. Addiction and mental health go hand-in-hand, and treating one condition but not the other can increase risk of relapse and reduce the effectiveness of the recovery program. It’s important that you understand how these disorders impact one another and the best ways to manage them moving forward.
It’s also a good idea to look for specialized programs for women or men only, for pregnant or new mothers, for teens, for seniors, for those with eating disorders, or anything else that may be pertinent to your care. You want a program that is the best fit for your needs, whatever they may be.
How Is Relapse Prevention Supported?
Also find out how the addiction treatment center supports relapse prevention. What do they do to help you build confidence in your recovery and sobriety? How do they build positive socialization strategies so you can decrease triggers and form stronger relationships? Are there steps put in place for you to follow and people you can turn to if you need additional support? Rather than setting you loose after formal treatment is done, some facilities have aftercare programs or support groups that further guide you in recovery.
Crossroads offers both residential and outpatient care for clients and implements gender-responsive treatment focusing on the unique needs of women in particular, while also offering some treatment programs for men. Furthermore, co-occurring disorder treatment is available, along with care for new and expectant mothers and individuals with eating disorders. As you research your options, consider how Crossroads could benefit your recovery from addiction and help you remember who you wanted to be.