Each month, Crossroads executive director, Shannon Trainor, publishes a short video on different topics relating to addiction, mental health and gender-responsive treatment.
In her vlog for April 2014, Shannon talks about Crossroads’ innovative and unique Children And Mothers Program (CAMP). CAMP is the only program in Maine that provides on-site living centers for women and children during residential treatment for drug or alcohol addiction. The program is housed at the Boulton Center for Women and Children in Windham. In order to be eligible, women must be pregnant, have children aged 5 or under, or working on family reunification. As Shannon describes in the video, this program boasts a very high treatment completion rate. FMI, visit http://bit.ly/1hs9vxe
Have a topic you’d like Shannon to cover in the future? Let us know in the comments!
Based in Maine, Crossroads provides gender-responsive addiction and behavioral health treatment services in a safe and respectful environment so individuals and families can lead healthy lives. Visit www.crossroadsme.org for more information on our treatment options or call 207.773.9931.