Help Save Lives with a Wreaths for Recovery Purchase from Crossroads

Crossroads is celebrating its 40th anniversary of saving lives this year. Our clients come from throughout Maine and New England in search of hope, treatment and support for their mental health and substance abuse illnesses. This holiday season, we hope you consider supporting our clients by purchasing some of our beautiful hand made Maine balsam wreaths…

Shannon’s Cross Chat: Celebrating Recovery

Each month, Crossroads executive director, Shannon Trainor, publishes a short video on different topics relating to addiction, mental health and gender-responsive treatment. In her vlog for September 2014, Shannon talks about Maine’s successful Recovery Month celebrations and how recovery should be celebrated year round. Have a topic you’d like Shannon to cover in the future? Let us know…

Maine, Summer Camp Re-envisioned

Polly Haight Frawley, COO and Project Director of Crossroads’ $1.5 M federal SAMHSA grant for residential substance abuse treatment for pregnant and postpartum women, recently attended a conference in Washington DC. The conference was for grantees from across the county that are implementing this innovative model of providing family-centered services for women suffering from a…

Shannon’s May Cross Chat: Gender-Responsive Treatment

Each month, Crossroads executive director, Shannon Trainor, publishes a short video on different topics relating to addiction, mental health and gender-responsive treatment. In her vlog for May 2014, Shannon talks about gender-responsive substance abuse treatment and how Crossroads has utilized this model since 1974. For more on Crossroads’ approach to gender-specific treatment and why we use this model, visit…

Growing Up Chaotic Show Featuring The Crossroads Back Cove Treatment Center For Women

Crossroads executive director Shannon Trainor was recently interviewed on the Growing Up Chaotic radio show. Dawn Clancy, host of the show and author of the Growing Up Chaotic blog, talked to Shannon about the Back Cove Residential Program, a premier recovery destination for women from all over the country that offers holistic treatment in a beautiful…

Shannon’s April Cross Chat Vlog: Children And Mothers Program (CAMP)

Each month, Crossroads executive director, Shannon Trainor, publishes a short video on different topics relating to addiction, mental health and gender-responsive treatment. In her vlog for April 2014, Shannon talks about Crossroads’ innovative and unique Children And Mothers Program (CAMP). CAMP is the only program in Maine that provides on-site living centers for women and children during residential treatment…