Girls Particularly Vulnerable to Peer Influence in Drinking Alcohol

A recent study has found that peers and gender can influence teen alcohol use. Girls, in particular, are vulnerable. The study, which used data from a population-based, longitudinal twin study of behavioral development and health-risk factors from Finland, found that the influence of risk factors associated with peers appeared to be stronger in girls. Researchers…

Portland, ME Ranked 7th Healthiest City for Women Despite Higher than Average Drinking Rates

Self magazine recently ranked Portland, ME the 7th healthiest city for women. The magazine surveyed 100 of the largest metro areas in the U.S. to find “the fittest, healthiest and happiest women in the land.” The survey looked at criteria that included death and disease rates, environmental indicators, community resources and lifestyle habits. San Francisco…

Defining Addiction Recovery

A panel of experts from the Betty Ford Institute recently drafted a definition of addiction recovery. Published in the October 2007 issue of the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, the definition describes recovery as “a voluntarily maintained lifestyle characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship.” The expert panel writes, “Although ‘recovery’ is widely recognized as…

Young Workers Have Higher Rates of Drug Use and Least Access to EAPs

A recent report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) shows that young adult worker are more likely than older workers to use illicit drugs. The younger workers are also less likely to have access to an employee assistance program (EAP), which can provide alcohol and drug education, prevention and treatment resources,…

Another Resource for Friends and Family Members Dealing with a Loved One’s Addiction

A Crossroads for Women staff member recently passed on some information about another resource for friends and family members who have a loved one struggling with addiction. The 12-step based program is called Families Anonymous. According to the Families Anonymous website, it is “a group of concerned relatives and friends whose lives have been adversely…

Women often dealing with more than addiction

The Lexington-Herald Leader, in Kentucky, recently wrote an interesting article about women and recovery. The article, written by Mary Meehan, talked about how addiction affects women differently than men and the other issues that often go hand in hand with substance abuse and women. Sexual abuse, domestic violence, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder are among…