a woman knows she's about to experience anorexia relapse

Recognizing Warning Signs of Anorexia Relapse

Those who are facing eating disorders know that they are challenging conditions to manage. Everyone’s experience is a little different, as is their relationship with food, self-esteem, body image, and other contributing factors. Recovery is not as easy as just eating more, and individuals should not view anorexia relapse as a sign that treatment or…

Building Stronger Families through Addiction Recovery

Building Stronger Families through Addiction Recovery

People who have battled addiction or know someone who has, know that addiction affects the whole family. Families feel the strain on their relationships, finances, children, personal life, friendships, and more. Children may develop trust, self-esteem, authority, communication, and relationship-building issues. They may become anxious, not knowing what to expect from one moment to the…

How to Be a Mom in Recovery

One of the best experiences in this lifetime is motherhood. Being around your children day in and day out can be fantastic. However, when you’re juggling your career, societal pressure, and parenthood, many moms feel drained and overwhelmed. If you’re also adding addiction recovery to your life, the process can seem daunting. Because women tend…