National Call-in Day: Tell VH-1 What you Think About “Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew”

Faces and Voices of Recovery, an organization dedicated to changing the public’s perception of recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, is asking for the public’s help in speaking out against VH-1‘s show “Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.” In a press release sent out earlier in the week, the organization is asking people to call VH-1…

Advice from Addicted Women to Nurses, Doctors, Medical Staff

Teresa Valliere, Crossroads for Women’s director of inpatient services, recently did a presentation on treating women with addictions. The audience was largely made up of nurses, physicians and other medical staff. For her presentation, women in recovery were asked to share their wisdom about how medical staff might interact with them in medical encounters –…

VH-1’s Celebrity Rehab Show Draws Critcism from Recovery Community

An organization dedicated to changing the public’s perception of recovery from alcohol and drug addiction is asking people to speak out against the way addiction treatment and recovery is being portrayed on VH-1‘s new reality show, “Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.” Faces and Voices of Recovery has written a letter to VH-1 president, Tom Calderone,…

Screening for Problem Drinking at the Doctor’s Office Saves Money

A 10-minute screening and talk with a doctor about problem drinking can be extremely cost-effective for the health system, according to a recent review published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. However, only 8.7% of problem drinkers report receiving such screening or advice from their doctors. The systematic review looked at data from randomized…

Presidential Candidates Weigh in on Drug and Alcohol Abuse in America

In preparation for the upcoming Iowa Caucuses, the Partnership for Drug-Free America and the Partnership for Drug-Free Iowa asked the Presidential candidates 2 questions relating to drug and alcohol abuse in America. Seven of the candidates – Senator Christopher Dodd, Senator Barack Obama, Senator John Edwards, Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Senator Mike Gravel, Mike…

Party, post, regret. has an interesting article in their Health section today. “Young women drink, party, post” talks about a Facebook page called “Thirty Reasons Girls Should Call it a Night.” The page features drunk photos of young women, posted (mostly) by the women themselves. According to the article, pictures on the page include a young woman…