mother helping daughter with the benefits of counseling for family members during addiction recovery

Talking About Family History of Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

Addiction is a topic that many people prefer to keep quiet. They find it uncomfortable to talk about. But increasing conversation can help to break down stigmas and raise awareness. Discussion can start in your own home with your family. November 24 is National Family Health History Day and a good time to talk to…

multi-generational family together after rebuilding relationship from the impact of addiction on the family

Realizing the Impact of Addiction on Children and Families

Addiction does not just affect the person misusing drugs or alcohol; it impacts the entire family. Everyone is affected by changes in routine, mood, behavior, finances, and relationships. Family members may believe that they’re fine because they’re not engaged in substance use, but the entire situation can cause physical, mental, and emotional distress. A major…