a woman knows she's about to experience anorexia relapse

Recognizing Warning Signs of Anorexia Relapse

Those who are facing eating disorders know that they are challenging conditions to manage. Everyone’s experience is a little different, as is their relationship with food, self-esteem, body image, and other contributing factors. Recovery is not as easy as just eating more, and individuals should not view anorexia relapse as a sign that treatment or…

a man wonders what causes personality disorders

What Causes Personality Disorders and How to Get Help

It can be extremely challenging and frustrating for those struggling with a mental health disorder to try and help themselves or a loved one. Identifying and treating mental health issues like personality disorders is of the utmost importance. Like many conditions, personality disorders take different forms, and the symptoms in one person could look different…

a woman wants to learn facts about eating disorders

10 Facts About Eating Disorders: Recognize NEDA Week 2022

An eating disorder is a complicated mental health condition that can manifest itself in severe symptoms. National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDA) Week helps shed light on the seriousness of eating disorders and dispels some of the myths surrounding them. Crossroads works day in and day out to support women needing treatment for an eating disorder.…